Qonda Reports

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Chart showing the top services based on transactions. Service name Service type Service tools; detail, diagram and open. Service folder Number of instances Number of tables and layers in the service Number of transactions (according to the server) Tabs to select server. Tabs to select server. Details relating to the service including source document and where it was published from. List of layers in the service and their corresponding id. Workspaces the service connects to (i.e. the data source) Data items (feature classes, tables etc) used in the service. The layers in the service. The service itself! Data Items (feature classes, tables etc) used in the service. The Workspace used to connect to the data (includes username, version etc) The actual data - Enterprise Geodatabase, Data Store, File Geodatabase etc Diagram tools; alignment, zoom and export. Chart of the top 10 item types across all Portals. Tabs for each Portal and the overview. Item title. Item type. Item owner. Item access; private, shared, public. Number of views for the item. The views trend for the past 30 days. Item size Item tools; detail, diagram, Portal link or open. Grey services indicate they are external (3rd party). Layers being used (collapsed). Service being used in this portal item. Feature classes and tables referenced by service(s) (collapsed) Workspace connections and data sources. The portal item. Chart showing top 10 roles for this Portal Role name. Role description Number of user the role is assigned to Overview of role privileges. Created and modified dates Workspace name. Number of connections to this workspace. The backend server for the workspace. The data client; RDBMS type, file etc. The database name. User name, version and authentication method. Graph showing number of connections per workspace Workspace tools; details and diagram. Connection details for the workspace. Services connecting to this workspace. Data items used from the workspace; tables and feature classes. The workspace Services connecting to the workspace Tool selection tabs. Report selection and parameter inputs. Report output Report download or copy to cpliboard. Compare tool inputs and tools. Matching rows between environments. Missing rows from second environment. Extra items from first environment. Network diagram inputs Pannable and zoomable diagram showing links between items. Search results. Search terms are highlighted. Result type and environment. Admins tools menu. Report inputs. Report SQL Input Report test, save or delete buttons. Report test output Statistics for all environments. Environment URL's. Environment type. Manually refresh an environment. Edit or delete an environment. Last updated time and duration. Environment name. User connecting to the environment. Tools to add new environments, access admin tools and logout.